The toilet filter system for nuclear medicine

5. Zereau toilet recht gesloten-min
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There is significant progress in the field of radioligand therapies. This will not only lead to a spectacular increase in the number of hospital treatments, but also in the amount of radioactive waste water. Which in turn limits the treatment capacity and creates environmental risks.

With the Zereau patented toilet filter system, you are able to treat more patients and process your waste water in a better way. In a Tsafe, sustainable and simple manner. And with significantly less storage room and costs.

Comfortable, safe and clean for patients and staff

Hygienic, safe, environmentally friendly and easy to use. Get to know the Zereau Toilet Filter System and all its specifications.
Veilige en eenvoudige werkprocessen
Safe and straightforward work processes for staff members
Gemak en comfort voor patiënt
Ease and comfort for the patient
Weinig afvalwater
Limited waste water and you don’t need large storage tanks (anymore)
Zeer weinig radioactief afval
Very little radioactive waste, easy to handle in a safe enclosure
Schoon en veilig afvalwater
Clean waste water, opportunities for circularity
Past in bijna elke ruimte
Fits in nearly every space, very easy to connect

Two filter stages

The Zereau Toilet Filter System can be connected directly to the sewage system. Or, as an extra line of defence, to your existing decay tanks. There are two different stages in the Zereau Filter System:

ZerEau WC Filtersysteem
Pre-filtration of excrements and toilet paper
The filtration of radioactivity and medicinal residues

Convenient and safe for the staff

The nursing staff change the filters per patient, or per day in cases of day treatment with multiple patients. How does that work?

Detach the filters and store them in the safe lead-lined storage box in the nuclear storage.* The radioactive filter automatically slides from the lead sleeve into the storage box. The lead sleeve that is used as a shield in the system can be reused. *When the system is not connected to a decay tank or the sewage system, the water tank containing clean water can be taken out.

The filter is safely stored in the nuclear storage. The duration of storage is dependent on the radioligand therapy, the patient and the local (national) regulations. The radiation supervisor will take care of this. 

You place clean filters back in the system and press ‘start’. That’s it!

Hoe het werkt
Hoe het werkt
Hoe het werkt

More information

Would you like to meet us in person and explore your possibilities? During an introduction meeting, we are happy to take a look together at your situation and ambitions, and which solution of Zereau fits your needs.


Simulation tool

Curious about the possibilities in your hospital?
With help of the simulation tool, you can view the capacity and flexibility that a toilet filter systems offers compared with, for example, decay tanks. Applied for your country, treatment protocols, as well as the expected growth of radioligand therapy and the physical situation in your hospital.