Month: December 2023

Removal and recovery of contrast media by means of Zereau’s unique ContrastCatch FilterBOX

A new dimension for the future of radiology, being more sustainable and providing a basis for circular raw materials like gadolinium and iodine. There’s growing concern about the huge amounts of contrast media in our precious water and environment. It is very efficient to remove these substances directly at the source. Zereau’s technology provides new […]

MediCatch for Pharmacies nominated as good practice @ EAHP 2024

The MediCatch Filter System for hospital pharmacies has been acknowledged as best good practice for hospital pharmacies, being nominated at the EAHP in Bordeaux March 2024. Hospital pharmacies tend to flush different kind of medical residues in sewerage, liquids like overstock, overdue, samples, reagents, etc. Without any extra work the MediCatch provides a practical solution […]

What a show! EANM 2023

Vienna, 9-13 september 2023. Growing attention is being paid to water technology for nuclear medicine to support near-future growth and access to (new) radionuclide therapies. Zereau presented the newest version of the Toilet Filter System as well as the FilterBOX. Both revolutionary systems to boost the field of nuclear medicine without the need for (expansion […]